Saturday, March 19, 2011

Standing For White History Month In Cheyenne, Wyoming

  Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

 I am writing this article from the great city of Cheyenne in the state of Wyoming. For myself a German-American who really is sick of black communist month of February. I am trying to get a white history month for the city of Cheyenne. So far I got non- compliance's from the city council and mayor by phone and by emails. As of this point, I have sent an email to my US Rep. Cindy Lummis but no responses as of yet.

Well I am glad for the truth of what our white heritage and the blood and sweat that our forefathers have laid down for us. The damn jew and mud have gotten together and twisted the truth, through a dose of tolerance crept in a decaying destructive society of death. Well I am done with this little rant and rave. I hope some one out there in the White Nationalist community could help mentor me because I have recently had the truth come to me and it delivered me from this zog satanist world.

88's & Hail Victory!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Black Race and Crime

Crime and the black race have anything in common? Well being twelve percent of the US population the darks are fifty percent of the prision population. In the book, “The Color of Crime,” it talks about blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa. This book was printed by the non-profit group , “New Century Foundation.” Also in this report it shows that police are not bias towards the black community but are actually called by law abiding blacks in the community in most cases caused by black crimes. Brain sizes for most blacks are two to three times smaller than whites, and asians brain sizes. It is really sick that most of violent crimes are commited by blacks which is two times more than hispnics, and four times more than whites and asians. This data also came from the National Crime Victimization Survey and the Uniform Crime Reports for all races. Lastly, this shows that blacks are the race that has the highest arrest in violent crimes and are the highest number of people in prision.

Here is the link to this non profit foundation

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Satan's Kids (The Jew)

Who are Satan's kids? Let's see what the Lord Jesus says about this subject. In the book of John 8:44-47 speaks of the Savior condemning the Jews as the seed of Satan and not of the Heavenly Father. Look I was once brainwashed into this lie of the Jews being of the Father in heaven. Now after studying the scriptures as they are in context, the Jew is the seed of Satan and not of God. White brothers and sisters when are you going to wake up and see the deception of Satan trying to destroy true Israel the Aryan race. Please wake up before you find yourself a slave of the evil one who wants to kill, steal, and destroy you. This has been a brief article on the truth of the Jews and their true Father, Satan.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog Talk Radio (Double Standard)

What is going on with Blog Talk Radio? There is no white nationalist radio shows on now. Why is that a white nationalist speaks about an certain issue, they get kicked off  of Blog Talk Radio. Black or Jewish Nationalist rants and raves on the same issue they get props and a big pat on the back for being a mud and satanic race. This is another confirmation who is the true enemy of the world and it's the mud and jews and white traitors who hate order and the pure blood line of Adam before the fall. Blog Talk should be ashamed of their selves for being a stupid pawn in the jewish satanic system. Let's take a stand against the true nature of the jew and the true nature of the mud races to defeat them to have a true order of the pure breed Aryan living in a white world.

One Good Group That Stands

There are groups and there is the ANSP the party of and voice of the white race. This group is not a hate group but a pride group that loves its heritage and the reality of order that the white race only has. The leader of this group Paul Mullet has this group going on true white unity to stand up against the Jews of the Satan seed. Thanks to this group for being here for the Aryan Race. Here is the ANSP link below.