Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Black Race and Crime

Crime and the black race have anything in common? Well being twelve percent of the US population the darks are fifty percent of the prision population. In the book, “The Color of Crime,” it talks about blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa. This book was printed by the non-profit group , “New Century Foundation.” Also in this report it shows that police are not bias towards the black community but are actually called by law abiding blacks in the community in most cases caused by black crimes. Brain sizes for most blacks are two to three times smaller than whites, and asians brain sizes. It is really sick that most of violent crimes are commited by blacks which is two times more than hispnics, and four times more than whites and asians. This data also came from the National Crime Victimization Survey and the Uniform Crime Reports for all races. Lastly, this shows that blacks are the race that has the highest arrest in violent crimes and are the highest number of people in prision.

Here is the link to this non profit foundation