What are the times we are living in? The word globalism is the term being used today as a sign of having utopia. There is a problem with this, and it’s no governments really rule they are used as stooges working as pawns for the elitist to create a new world order. This is the main thing; a shadow government of a few is running and planning deception of the citizenry of countries to take them in their new world order system. Three main points will be talked about in this essay: secret societies, elitist agendas, and control media. Now these three things will be discussed as an effect on how it will affect the free world. Finally, ignorance is a key ingredient that globalist want to use against the average person of the world.
Could there be signs of certain secret societies pull strings of governments around the world? Let’s just say, “Bilderberg Group,” they have these secret yearly meetings that have government officials, big bankers, and particular media outlets coming together to discuss the plans of new world vision. Prominent people are in groups like the Freemasonry, Rhode Scholars, and Skull and Bones. If others listen to these people who are a member of any of these groups listen closely to the wording and tone of that person’s voice. These people are picked and they are tested to see if they have a concise. They pass the test doing corrupt things than the old timers of these certain groups groom them and mold them into soldiers for the cause of a one world government. The key ruling of all the new world order agenda comes from the Trilateral Commission which are the head elitist of the world in using their power and influences on other groups like the Freemasons, Rhode Scholars, Skull n Bones, and CFR. If you look at congress and you can see a lot of them are in the secret societies and are the mouthpieces of these groups philosophy. A lot of Rhode Scholars somehow get prepped into being in some type of CEO or government positions. Do you think this an accident or is this orchestra from the elitist from these groups? This is a sign of the new world order in start mode and practice from this crazy philosophical worldview. Puppets are being used by these groups and we are the target of this crazy system. Lastly, these are groups that are philosophical ideas are sold out to the new world order.
The Bilderberg meetings started on May 29, 1954 at Hotel Bilderberg in Arnhem, Netherlands. (Cuddy 67). In their meetings the main agenda is turning sovereign nations into one global government. (Cuddy 69). A quote, “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” (From David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations). (Cuddy 71). The group Skull and Bones group and with the CFR pushed George W. Bush, and Dick Cheney to invade Iraq and Afghanistan to control oil and to start chaos and more wars to produce a police state under the disguise of terrorism. (Sora 81). Vice President Joe Biden wrote an article when he was a Senator in 1992 saying, “How I learned to love the New World Order.” (Cuddy 81). Vice President Biden is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. The speech given by George HW Bush in March 6, 1991 spoke of a new dimension of a new world order. (Cuddy 121). Another scary but true quote by George HW Bush quotes, “It is the scared principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance.”(George HW Bush addressing the General Assembly of the UN, Feb. 1. 1992. Curry 123). George HW Bush is a member of Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, CFR and Trilateral Commission. (Allen 112). David Rockefeller stated directly about the new world order, “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” (Cuddy 45). Lastly this is what these groups and its members are all about in creating a new world order.
Agendas and intent are the igniting fuel that drives the elitist to their New World Order plots. If you look at the G20 Summit bulletins and other documents from the globalist it will show their plans and agendas. These G20 summits do not allow citizens of that country to protest and to gather at all. These are peaceful protest but the officials and stooges of this event have their plans on crippling regional and local banks. They want to keep powerful Banks like Chase in power because their CEO’s are the elitist who are controlling the world. Thinking and reasoning to find this shadow government controlling real governments are from the root of evil and these meetings unite evil plans to go ahead with their plans. This quote came to mind from a Henry Kissinger quote during one of these summits. His quote says, “NAFTA is major stepping stones to the New World Order.” (1994 Campaign for the passage NAFTA). (Cuddy 143). These type of meetings are the setup of an accelerated pace for universalism. Finally, this is what goes on at the G20 summit meetings.
The document of the G20 summit of Toronto in 2010 shows the agenda of the globalist plan about starting a one world government. (G20 Summit Bulletin of Toronto Meeting). Monetary systems of national sovereign countries will be hit by a great devastation financial collapse by the world banker leaders. (G20 Summit Bulletin Toronto pg.5). American dollars will devaluate to nothing, setting up a one world currency control by the World Bank. (G20 Summit Bulletin pg. 5). Orwellian language is being used here as deceptive frames that will keep ignorant people in deception and follow the lies of evil so called tolerant government of the world. (G20 Summit Bulletin pg. 6). Private farming will eventually be taken over by the government due more regulation needs of government oversight. (G20 Summit Bulletin pg.8). David Rockefeller attends these summits to make sure that midlevel people of these groups fulfill their ideas on paper and in action. Interstate commerce will eventually fall from the hands of the states to the central government of the United States. (G20 Summit Bulletin pg. 3). Wall Street should be under the IMF to create stability of all finances. (G20 Summit Bulletin pg.2). Federal Reserve Bank is the vehicle of turning state oriented banks into a central bank than a World Bank of control. (G20 Summit Bulletin pg.6). In summary this is the bulletin and plans of the participating members of the G20 Summit in Toronto 2010.
Now is this funny accident that the mainstream media executives and reporters are members of the Council of Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and the invited guest to the Bilderberg secret meetings. Watching the television or listening to the radio you hear left and right talking points but they are from the same source the controlled media verbiage of certain news. If anyone wants to go and be a journalist or anchor of a major station one has to submit to the criteria of reporting to a certain agenda not a true objective reporting. Second is anyone that is tries to be a true journalist or anchor will be dismissed and scrutinize as looney nut. It is sad that you have to toe the line of the elite’s way of thinking and indoctrination. Looking at the United States it is sad due to the media’s peddling slowly the agenda of the world government in to the citizenry hearts to be its followers of destruction. One example is Rush Limbaugh bashing people who are against NAFTA, saying, “that these are crazy conspiracy theorist.” Neoconservatives for the most part are sold out to the international takeover with communist in creating a new world order. Different ideologies but the same root foundation of evil and world government domination. Lastly, the media is an outlet of propaganda and mouth piece of the new world order.
Next, is the evidence of media outlet names that are members of the Council Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; and the participants of the Bilderberg meetings. (None Dare Call It Conspiracy in the Appendixes of CFR, TLC). When thinking of Fox News the first thing comes to mind is freedom but in reality its deceptive poison due to Rupert Murdock the President of Fox is a member of the CFR. (None Dare Call it Conspiracy in the Appendixes of CFR pg. 157). The CBS Evening News former anchor Dan Rather is a member of the CFR and its agenda is to propagate the new world order agenda. One PBS famous anchor Jim Lehrer is a sold out member to the Council of Foreign Relations agenda. (None Dare Call it Conspiracy in the Appendixes of CFR pg.158). A top executive named William Scranton of the New York Times is a member of the Trilateral Commission which is the main group that will rule the world. (None Dare Call it Conspiracy in the Appendixes of CFR pg.159). Mrs. Barbra Walters a heavy hitter anchor of ABC is a diehard member of the CFR. (None Dare Call it Conspiracy in the Appendixes of CFR pg.157). Mr. Sean Hannity of fox is associated with the Trilateral Commission and is a pseudo pretend person for the people. (None Dare Call it Conspiracy in the Appendixes of TLC pg.159). The Wall Street Journal executive J. Paul Austin is a board member of the Trilateral Commission and is the heavy lobbyist for the bankers who are members of the Trilateral Commission. (None Dare Call it Conspiracy in the Appendixes of TLC pg. 159). In summary, the mainstream media are the messengers and voices of the false gospel of a human world order.
In conclusion, this essay shows that a shadow government is being run by elitist of different spectrums of the world. Truly certain secret societies; G20 Summits; and the mainstream media have their agendas made to turn this society in to a universal government. Be aware, study and use logic and faith because the globalists are counting on the ignorance of society to propagate their plan into action.