Sunday, April 17, 2011

Nationalist Finns Rising on the Voting Polls

People in Finland are starting to get fed up with multiculturalism. They are now voting for the True Finns, which is a Nationalist party and who is trademark is anti-immigration policy. This party has now 41% of the vote, trailing the National Coalition Party by 1%. The news is good for white Europeans , due to the fact that this party does not like being in coalition with EU. Aryans are now waking up around the world to the jew multiculturalism satanic lie. Now, it's our turn in American to create and move with a Nationalist party and to move again towards a white nation like our founding fathers envisioned. We have this group and it's called the American Nationalist Socialist Party.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Jews are Edomites

This link that I am putting up might be interesting for some you who want to know the biblical side of the
Edomites (jews). Jews do you know that your days are numbered, stop spreading an illusion doctrine of satanic evil.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

DHS Needs To Be Disbanded

The Department of Homeland Security should be disbanded because they are a terrorist organization. An example is the G20 Summit that was held in Pittusburgh in 2009. Our own lawbiding american citizens couldn't organize and speak freely against this new world order conference and they were blasted by sound weapons. Suprisingly the military was there to beef up security and threaten law abiding protesters. Department of Homeland Security are using tactics to shut up good standing citizens of America. They are basically spitting and stomping on the US Constitution and using orwellian language to suspend american freedoms in the name of terrorism. So lets stand together and start a campaign to disband the Department of Homeland Security.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Communist Leader Holiday Is Reinstated At UT-El Paso

Cesar Chavez Holiday Reinstated

From the Prospector News A UT-El Paso Newspaper

This article speaks about UT- El Paso reinstating the holiday of Cesar Chavez who is a communist mud marxist leader. It is not amazing to see what the muds want to do to the white race, which is to destroy it and revise the history of the white race's accomplishments. Now do you see why these muds need to leave America!

Here is the link to this story.